How to Promote Book Online: 5 Strategies Used by Book Marketing Services

Did you know that over one million books are published every year in the US alone? Promoting your book can mean the difference between success and failure. The book marketing industry is a crowded space, with millions of books vying for the attention of readers. In this competitive landscape, effective book promotion is crucial to a book’s success. As such, understanding the best strategies for promoting a book online is essential for any author.

Book Marketing Services #

In this blog, we will explore 5 proven strategies book marketing services use to promote books online, providing you with the insights and tools you need to enhance your book promotion game and attract more readers.

So, Let’s jump right into the main topic and explore 5 effective strategies that book marketing services use.

Strategy 1: Build a Professional Author Website For Book Marketing 

A website can serve as a hub for all of your online activity, including information about your book, events, and social media links.

Here are some benefits of having an author website:

  • 1. Increase Visibility: 

A website can make your book more visible to readers, publishers, and agents who are looking for new talent. 

  • 2. Build Credibility: 

A professional website can make you appear more credible and professional as an author. It shows that you are serious about your craft and willing to invest time and resources into promoting your work.

  • 3. Centralize Your Online Presence: 

A website can serve as a central hub for all of your online activity, including social media profiles, blog posts, and book sales. This can make it easier for readers and industry professionals to find and connect with you.

Strategy 2: Take Advantage Of Social Media Platforms For Marketing A Book

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc offer authors a cost-effective way to promote their books to a vast audience.

Strategies For Using Social Media Effectively to Reach the Target Audience:

  • 1. Identify Your Target Audience: 

It is essential to identify your target audience before choosing a social media platform for marketing a book. Different platforms cater to different audiences. For instance, Instagram is popular among the younger demographic, while LinkedIn is more popular among professionals.

  • 2. Consistency is Key: 

Consistency is essential when it comes to social media. You must post regularly to keep your audience engaged. A lack of consistency can lead to a decrease in engagement and followers.

  • 3. Share Valuable Content: 

Sharing valuable content that resonates with your audience is essential. It can be in the form of blog posts, quotes, or even book excerpts. It is crucial to provide value to your audience rather than just promoting your book.

We at Book Writing Experts can provide valuable social media book marketing services to authors. We can create and manage social media accounts for authors, curate content, and develop a social media strategy to engage with the target audience.

With our expertise, authors can focus on their writing while we take care of their social media presence. Contact Us today to get started!

Strategy 3: Utilize Book Review Websites

Book review websites play an important role in book marketing. They are a platform for readers to share their opinions on books and can be an effective tool for authors to reach their target audience. Here are some tips on how to utilize book review websites for book promotion:

  • 1. Role Of Book Review Websites In Book Marketing:

Book review websites provide a platform for readers to find new books to read and offer authors an opportunity to get their books reviewed by readers who may have yet to hear of their books. Positive reviews on these websites can increase the visibility of the book and help in building an author’s reputation.

  • 2. Finding The Right Book Review Websites For The Target Audience:

It is important to research book review websites that are relevant to the target audience. For example, if the book is a fiction novel, then it would be best to focus on book review websites that specialize in reviewing fiction novels. It is important to look for websites that have a large following and a high engagement rate.

  • 3. Pitching The Book To Book Review Websites:

When pitching the book to book review websites, it is important to follow their submission guidelines for the best book marketing. These guidelines may include information on the preferred format for submission, the type of books they accept, and the timeline for submitting the book. It is also important to personalize the pitch to each website by highlighting why the book would be a good fit for its audience.

When submitting the book, it is important to provide a brief synopsis of the book and highlight any unique aspects of the book that may appeal to readers. Additionally, including any positive reviews the book has received can help in convincing the book review website to review the book.

Strategy 4: Host Giveaways and Contests To Market A Book Effectively

Book marketing services host giveaways and contests that can be an effective way to create buzz around your book and attract new readers.

Here are some benefits of hosting a giveaway or contest:

  • 1. Increased Engagement: 

Giveaways and contests encourage readers to interact with your book and your brand, leading to increased engagement and a higher likelihood of book sales.

  • 2. Viral Book Marketing

If your giveaway or contest is well-designed and enticing, it has the potential to go viral on social media, reaching a wider audience than you could on your own.

  • 3. Data Collection: 

You can use giveaways and contests to collect valuable data about your audience, such as email addresses, social media handles, and demographic information.

Strategy 5: Participate in Blog Tours

A blog tour is a virtual tour where a group of bloggers posts about your book on their blogs over a set period of time.

Here are some tips for participating in a blog tour:

  • 1. Find the Right Bloggers: 

Look for bloggers who are a good fit for your book and your target audience. This can help you market a book effectively. You can use Google, social media, or blogger directories to find potential bloggers.

  • 2. Customize Your Pitch: 

When reaching out to bloggers, make sure to personalize your pitch and explain why you think their blog is a good fit for your book.

  • 3. Provide Great Content: 

Provide bloggers with high-quality content such as interviews, or excerpts from your book. Make sure the content is unique to each blog to keep it interesting for readers.

  • 4. Promote the Blog Tour: 

Use your social media channels, email list, and other marketing channels to promote the blog tour to your target audience.


Promoting your book online is an essential aspect of achieving success in the book marketing industry. By utilizing these 5 powerful strategies used by book marketing services that we have discussed in this blog post, you can enhance your book promotion efforts and reach a wider audience. From building your author website to leveraging social media platforms, hosting virtual book launches, and collaborating with influencers, these strategies can help you boost your book sales and build a loyal fan base.

We at Book Writing Experts, understand the challenges that authors face when it comes to marketing a book online. That’s why we’re committed to providing valuable resources and expert book and ebook marketing services to help you achieve your book promotion goals. Take charge of your book marketing efforts and start implementing these strategies today.

Let Book Writing Experts help you achieve your book marketing goals and elevate your author brand to new heights. Contact us today to learn more!

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My sister was struggling with her book sales; I recommended Book Writing Experts book promotion services. Since then the sales have skyrocketed. I have never seen such great results in a short time.
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Evelyn Keplingerstars
Evelyn Keplinger
I worked with Sam Jordan for a few months preparing my first book. Sam was very helpful and courteous. We connected on the phone several times a week. I am not the most patient person, but I found Sam to be capable and professional. He helped me overcome any fears I had about the process..
my creation of this 24 chapter book is actually a 24 part mini series.
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Thank you Claire.
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Luis Reyesstars
Luis Reyes
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Dyuti Hai

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